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You are not alone.
We are here

Your Mental Wellness Connection


Here’s the thing: we all have mental health. Your brain is as important to your happiness as your heart, lungs, or bones. So let’s talk about mental health, because we are all in this together.

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No matter what your story is, there is help. Confidential, professional and immediate. Support for any mental health, substance abuse, or emotional concern.

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We have the power to make a positive difference in our community when it comes to mental health and it starts with TALKING. The change starts with all of us.

Be The Change
We are all connected.

Nature has a wisdom to it that can teach us so much- if we pay attention. 

The aspen tree is the perfect example. Aspens are unique in that a forest of trees can actually be one tree. 

Just like the aspen tree, we are all connected to one another at the source of our being. We are all a part of something so much greater than our individual selves. We are connected by our roots. Imagine a world where we all acted like aspen trees….

There is a peace in knowing we are not alone. Peace in knowing that even when the winds of life are cold and blowing hard, all we need to do is turn our leaves and allow the colony- our community- to shoulder the burden with us, for we are all connected. 

~ Gail Lynne Goodwin

See CB State of mind In Action...

Meghan Dougherty


We are stronger together.

Emotional well-being is essential for people and communities to thrive. Our mental health is a critical part of living the healthy lifestyle valued in this community and why so many choose the Gunnison Valley as home.  Living here can present many challenges and it’s ok to not be ok. I joined the efforts of CB State of Mind because I love this community and believe in our mission. I am committed to raising the community’s voice and strengthening collaborative partnerships that are required to create real change. 

Happy International women`s day. You are enough, ...

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Live Music: The Floozies play at the Center on ...

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We Are #BetterTogether💚

At CB State of

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Tonight @thedivegunnison 6:30pm

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🌿✨ Move, Breathe & Connect ✨🌿

Join us

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✨ Pause. Reset. Breathe. ✨

In the middle of

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💚Find Community & Connection with CB State of ...

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Our Impact

$429,857 Raised

Grants = 55%, Donations = 40% Earned Income = 5%

1,362 Sessions

# of Individual counseling sessions provided to 400 individuals!

37% of Uninsured Reached

Many residents are unable to get mental health services when needed, and we're making an impact reaching 37% in need!

... and with your help we will continue to reduce the stigma around mental health and help even more!

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